Moxy Hotels (by Marriott)
Agency: Co-Studio-Arts
Role: Lead Designer
Creative Director: Stuart Ross-Sheeran


A true to size dolls house illustration, hand painted onto a 5 storey building in East London.

In order for the design to appear three dimensional when viewed from the street below, it involved Jay modelling the building to scale in 3D then choosing the optimum point on the street for it to be viewed from.
She then illustrated the colourful interior scenes from this perspective. From there, the artwork was skewed and stencilled directly onto the wall and hand painted by artists from Global Street Art who used UV paints to create a second version that comes alive at night.

Front on, the final design appears distorted but when viewed from the road below all angles line up and the image is seen correctly.


Concept / 3D Modelling / Illustration / Artwork