Client: FWD:Coffee
Role: Project Owner
Jay worked with the founder of East London coffeehouse ‘Fix coffee’ to lead their rebrand to become ‘FWD:Coffee’.
FWD:Coffee celebrates the origins of the coffeehouse; an establishment that when first introduced dismantled centuries of social norms by providing a place for all people, no matter their social class, to gather and share ideas. Throughout history coffeehouses have fueled revolutions and revolutionary ideas.
The name ‘FWD':’ refers to the forwarding on of information and discussion that takes place in coffeehouses but also nods to the ‘forward thinking’ individuals these establishments have always been known for attracting.
The art direction is a homage to the Enlightenment Period (or ‘Age of Reason’), a movement that probably wouldn’t have existed without the English Coffeehouse.
Strategy / branding / logo design / graphics / art direction